Economics in Bangladesh


Economics is the practical and theoretical science of the production and distribution of wealth. It is based around the system of the production, buying and selling of goods and services.

As a social science it is primarily concerned with the behaviour and relationships of people and societies and economics is applied to the real world to study and analyse the activities and interaction between people, markets and governments.

Although there are various subdivisions of economics, the two main areas of study are microeconomics and macroeconomics.

Microeconomics is the study of the dynamics between individuals and industries, a more concentrated study of the broader discipline of macroeconomics, which is the study of the economic activity of an entire market or country.

Economics is a relatively modern discipline and Adam Smith is widely regarded as the father of modern economics having developed the idea of classical economics (or liberal economics) in the 18th century.

It has grown considerably as a field and now incorporates a number of other subjects, including sociology, geography, law and several others to develop our collective understanding of the economic systems that exist today.

What can you do with an economics degree?

  • Economist
  • Financial risk analyst
  • Data analyst
  • Financial planner
  • Accountant
  • Economic researcher
  • Financial consultant
  • Investment analyst
  • Actuary
  • Public sector roles

Other economics careers

Other economics careers you might consider include roles in many interrelated sectors, such as actuaries (business professionals who deals with the financial impact of risk and uncertainty, providing an assessment of financial security systems); stockbrokers (look after the investment portfolios of their clients, buying and selling shares on the stock exchange for maximum return); and bankers (helping with the financial requirements of individuals and businesses, providing advice and financial services).

Other career paths include roles in auditing, business intelligence, economic planning, insurance, international development, management, market research, poverty reduction, retail merchandising, statistics, social research, tax, human resource management, journalism, law, PR, politics, sales or entrepreneurship.

Private Universities in Bangladesh For Economics

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